Six Powers to Transform Temptations and Halt Addictive Eating
You Are a Hero! Have you made a decision to eat better? To transform dietary patterns that hurt your body and the earth and torture and kill animals? To take on a lifestyle that promotes vitality for you, a sustainable human presence on the planet, compassion toward...
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Six Guiding Principles for Fabulous Flavor
I have found that making delicious, nutritious food is a delightful and rewarding process. I don’t like rules, because they can be arbitrary and by their very nature provoke insurgence from any rebellious soul. I stand by principles, however. To me, principles operate...
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Going Upstream: A Parable for Our Times
Have you ever heard a story that so influenced your understanding that it changed the course of your life? A story containing truths that were so…well, True, that hearing the story compelled you to see things differently ever after? I heard such a story in the winter...
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I’m Soup Again
Have you ever been in a liminal state? Liminality is a condition in which you had exited from one way of being but had not yet completely crossed the threshold into the new you? This place of being not the thing you were but not yet the thing you will be has often...
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Set Up for Disease? We CAN Overcome!
In the United States of America, we have had our psyches profoundly shaped by an enduring story of personal responsibility and individual agency. We have been steeped in the myth of the American dream, a dream that fully embodies those values. This dream, in essence,...
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Vibrant Food, Vibrant Life class
A week from today I will be teaching a free workshop through Dominican Hospital's Prevention Education Program (PEP). The class is called Vibrant Food, Vibrant Life. I'm super excited about this opportunity! I'm thinking of all sorts of cool ideas for making it a...
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Welcome to Tastes Like Love!
Welcome to the website for Tastes Like Love! I invite you to engage with the information on this site: comment on the blog posts, check out the photo galleries, sign up for your free gift, and contact us with questions and comments! This website is another in a series...
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A Time for Reflection and Action
As the New Year gets underway, many people who follow the Gregorian calendar are thinking about changes we would like to set into motion. I was unaware of the statistics, but had a hunch that one of the most common New Year's resolutions that people make is to loose...
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A Fishing Trip with Dad
The following is an excerpt from Sensational Salads to Cool the Earth, by Beth Love. When I was a child, maybe 10 or 11 years old, and several years before the advent of vegetarianism in my family, our father took my sister and brother and me out on a fishing...
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