Classes and Workshops
Tastes Like Love offers a variety of culinary and nutrition workshops focusing on delicious, whole, plant-based foods. Many live workshops have been held in our home center, The Love House, with access to the accompanying Love’s Gardens Demonstration Garden. Starting in April, 2020, Tastes Like Love began offering online classes on a donation basis to benefit Eat for the Earth, an organization that works to promote plant-based and plant-strong diets for environmental sustainability. Click here for upcoming class offerings to benefit Eat for the Earth. Another way to learn from Chef Beth, once shelter-in-place orders are lifted and group gatherings are again allowed, is to get involved with Eat for the Earth. The organization often makes food samples or meals for outreach and education events, and volunteering to help make food is a great way to learn!
Special Offer: Sale on Made-to-Order “Coolinary” Parties!
Would you like to create a unique party for you and your friends? This offer may be just what you are looking for! Your party can center on any of our food preparation classes or a custom class designed in collaboration with you. You provide the people. We provide the facility, equipment, ingredients, activities, and instruction. These parties are fun, informative, creative, and highly experiential. If you request a coolinary party through this website, we will give you $200 off! You and your friends will love it!
Please contact us for more information about upcoming classes and workshops or to arrange for your extraordinary Coolinary Party!
Custom Coaching
Would you like to get some one-on-one support with your biggest challenges when it comes to food, health, and/or relationships? Rev. Beth Love offers custom coaching in individual sessions or packages to meet your needs. With over 40 years experience with all aspects of whole foods selection, preparation, and nutrition, and over two decades supporting people through transformational processes, Beth has the expertise, knowledge, and skills to mentor you through your own hero’s journey to the most healthy you ever! Learn more and sign up for your free coaching session.
Are you looking for speakers to talk to your group about topics related to the ramifications of our dietary choices? Rev. Beth Love is a gifted speaker who has the capacity to engage audiences, provoke deep thought, and offer practical tips for transformation. She has spoken to diverse audiences in person and via radio and television, from small underground radio stations to the Oprah Show. Rev. Beth is available for both online and in-person presentations. If you would like a presentation that truly moves your group, Beth may be just the ticket!
Sample Topics Include:
- What’s on Your Fork: 5 Ways it Impacts the Earth and what you can do to help.
- Good for You and Good for the Earth: How a sustainable healthy diet can make a world of difference
- Carnism, Meatsplaining, Addiciton, and Disease: How did we get here and how can we create change?
- Dodging Diseases of Nutritional Extravagance
- The Choice Before Us: Change our Diets or Perish
As Seen On:
- Dr. John McDougall’s Climate Mastermind
- Virtual VegFest
- Global VegFest: Veganism and Food Justice panel
- Healthy Lifestyle Solutions
- and more!
Call now to schedule: 831-466-3405, or send us a message.
Eat for the Earth
Do you ache to make a difference with what’s happening with our planet?
Are you ready to roll up your sleeves and engage in effective activism in collaboration with a dynamic, committed community?
Eat for the Earth welcomes your participation!
Many people are unaware that there is a connection between animal agriculture and climate change, pollution, deforestation, and many other serious environmental challenges. Eat for the Earth is working to make it easier for people to eat a more earth-friendly diet—more plants and less animal products. This movement was started with a launch in 2019 in Santa Cruz, California. It is the vision of Tastes Like Love founder Beth Love. To find out more or sign up to get involved, check out the Eat for the Earth website.