Desserts in the Raw
Can a dessert actually be healthy? You bet it can! The desserts you will find in this book, coming out in 2020, do not contain any saturated fat, cholesterol, refined sugars or flours, artificial flavors or colors, or any of the other unhealthy things we generally associate with desserts. The absence of unhealthy things doesn’t equate to full vitality, however. These desserts help you take the next step, being made entirely out of nutrient-dense, fiber-rich, whole foods. They are raw, vegan, gluten-free, fruit sweetened, and delicious! Therefore, you can eat dessert, nourish your body deeply, and skip the guilt!
Inside this book you will learn about:
- Dairy Products: Toxic for You, the Animals, and the Earth
- Natural Sweeteners that Nourish and Sustain
- Having Your Dessert without the Guilt
- Raw Foods: Enzymatic, Probiotic, Vitalizing